A Belly Update

Well, I just wanted to thank everyone for all your comments on my last post about my distended belly. Of course, there were all kinds of comments and theories. I wasn’t expecting a diagnosis. Those that have similar stories, it is nice to know I’m not alone. Those that gave tips and pages with information, I’ve looked at it all.

While I am still doubtful that I have a food intolerance or IBS, I’ve decided that I will forgo actively looking for further testing (if internal medicine calls me for a colonoscopy, I will, of course, go) until I’ve had at least a month gluten free (despite getting a clean bill of health is terms of celiac screening). I’m undecided as to whether I’m going to cut out other inflammatory and/or estrogenic foods. Certainly all gluten has been cut (going on 4 full days now). I’ll be charting both what I eat and my symptoms on My Fitness Pal here. With my symptoms being so dependent on my cycle I haven’t paid a whole lot of attention to food (I certainly haven’t noticed any trends) and I’m not sure I believe in once a month intolerance but I’m will to cut things out and see. If I swell to as great of an extent next month then I will likely look into other testing options as it is really taking me a long time to bounce back (usually I’m be back at my normal size within 5 days but last month it was a bit longer and this month, I’m 10 days in and still up 5cm (down significantly but still up overall). It’s certainly not because I’m eating a lot because I’m down nearly 5 pounds.

If anyone has any other suggestions I’m up to hearing about them. I’m going to look more into the endo diet. I read some more about IBS and looked at some checklists and it really doesn’t seem to fit terribly well (though, yes, I totally agree that out of everything I’ve read it IS the condition that causes such distention). Thank you all for  your thoughts so far and I hope to post about good results soon!

Goal Planning Monday – Week 79

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

IIf you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week people mentioned how they might like to add in other jobs that they got accomplished during the week when they are updating how they did during the week. I think it is a wonderful idea as I often think, “Well, I didn’t accomplish this goal but I did x instead.” Now you can let us know if you want!

Last week’s goals:

1. Clean the microwave. DONE!

2. Go to bed when I need to. DONE! Easier when you are feeling a bit unwell. I also lay down during the day to read to the little one a few times.

3. Work on my vintage remedies course (both the database I’m working on and the unit I’m doing). Partially Done. I opened the book and read one unit and then the baby started driving his truck all over it so I stopped. I’m ready to take the nest test, though.

4. Work with the children on their Egypt lapbook. Not Done. Did you know that I don’t enjoy lapbooking?

5. Purchase grade 6 Math Mammoth for Liam and print/bind the first section. Partially done. Purchased and printed. Not bound.

6. Comment on everyone that posts here. Not Done. This shouldn’t be hard. I just need to make it a priority.

7. Clean out my closet. Done.  This simple thing gave me the greatest of joy this week.

8. Make up several desserts to throw in the freezer. Not done. We didn’t have as many berries/cherries as we’ve had in previous years. I made one dessert and we ate it!

This week’s goals:

1. Comment on post who leaves a link here this week.

2. Rest when I need to. Yes, I’m going to stop complaining but I still feel like I am recovering so I will lay down when I need to and go to bed at a decent hour, even if I miss our nightly episode of Damages.

3. Eat well. I’m not eating a lot these days so I need what I do eat to be nutrient dense.

4. Avoid gluten. In an attempt to figure out how much of my condition is GI related and how much is gynecological I am cutting out gluten entirely for at least 30 days.

5. Get ready for camping and try to enjoy it and have it actually be a nice family outing. This hasn’t happening much lately. Kids often end up crying and the parents end up frustrated.

6. Be patient. HA, yep, need to work on this one. Good food and enough sleep should help!

7. Some kind of major cleaning/organizing project (but I can’t think of what, yet, so I’ll let you know.

I don’t have many goals this week as we will be camping for much of the time and my goal will be to HAVE FUN and enjoy my family. Goal Planning Monday also won’t be posted until later next week (Monday evening) as we will not be getting home until the afternoon.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week!

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Think Back Thursday – Playing With Your Kids

It’s time for Think Back Thursday with our friends from Debbie’s Digest. If you’d love to join in and share some pictures/videos/memories from the past just click the button above.

This week’s theme is “Playing With Your Kids”. Well, I play with my children frequently, but I am the one behind the camera. I searched and search for a photo to share last week but there really weren’t any. However, I recently received a new camera and this weekend when we were out hiking Mike wanted to give it a try.

First he stuck me in a tree.

The tree.

Then he tried to make us pose.

…but we weren’t looking.

The we got playful….

He’s just hanging around.

And the big kids joined in.

And everyone smiled.

If you have a picture to share of you and your children having fun be sure to link up at Think Back Thursday!

Goal Planning Monday – Week 78

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

IIf you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week people mentioned how they might like to add in other jobs that they got accomplished during the week when they are updating how they did during the week. I think it is a wonderful idea as I often think, “Well, I didn’t accomplish this goal but I did x instead.” Now you can let us know if you want!

Last week’s goals:

1. Clean the microwave. Not Done. I put a bowl of lemon water in there to steam yesterday and then I got distracted doing a big clean up of the three bedrooms upstairs. Bad News? I completely forgot the microwave. Good news? Our bedrooms look really good.

2. Complete the unit exam for the current unit in my Vintage Remedies course. Not Done.

3. Continue to work on the nutrition database I was making on my iPod. Not Done.

4. Use my camera a little every, single day (that means I have to pull it out this evening). Partially Done. I used it pretty much every day except for one. A lot of it was just to take simple pictures needed for (non existent) blog posts but I did pull it out to actually try different techniques about four times.

5. Go to bed when I am tired. Not Done. Or at least not done enough to say it counts. I did go to bed early twice but there were many night when I needed to go to bed earlier and I did not listen to my body.

6. Use the computer and iPod less. Not Done.

7. Try to get one new person (or someone that used to do GPM) to join us. Partially Done. I posted to a few new places, but no one new joined us.

8. Promote my blog’s facebook page. DONE! I had a few new likes. Thank you!

9. Spend time outside. DONE! We had a beautiful week and I took advantage of it.

This week’s goals:

As I had a pretty bad week goal wise last week most of these will be repeats.

1. Clean the microwave. Like, start and don’t forget!

2. Go to bed when I need to.

3. Work on my vintage remedies course (both the database I’m working on and the unit I’m doing).

4. Work with the children on their Egypt lapbook. They have a little friend visit from out of town and they’ve been playing a lot with him but we should get a little bit of work done.

5. Purchase grade 6 Math Mammoth for Liam and print/bind the first section. He told me a couple years ago when he was doing grade 2 Math Mammoth that he was going to homeschool until he was done the whole program. He’s been doing two grades a year. Maria Miller better start making new grade levels as it currently only goes to grade 8. *lol*.

6. Comment on everyone that posts here.

7. Clean out my closet. Didn’t I just do that recently? We just played musical bedrooms over the weekend and I switched us back to the master bedroom (where my son was) so I need to take back my closet.

8. Make up several desserts to throw in the freezer. We have fresh fruit/berries growing and I usually freeze those as the are but this year I think I am going to premake them into goodies.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week!

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When Mum Turns Her Back

What I learned today:

1) Vegetable oil and baking soda does wonders in getting oil pastels off of a wood floor.

2) Under so circumstances can I leave the two and a half year old alone in another room for five minutes.

3) I probably shouldn’t even let him out of my sight for 5 seconds.

Yes, that, my friends, is oil pastel on wood floor. Not just a little bit of oil pastel, lots of oil pastel, and it wasn’t only there. It was all over our living room floor. I swear, my back was turned for about 3 minutes. My two and a half year old had asked me a little while earlier if he could go outside to draw with chalk and I told him that we did not have any but we would look to find some at the store. I guess he was not quite happy with that answers because when I was talking with my nephew on Facebook, he took matters into his own hands. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find chalk either and I suppose he figured oil pastel was the next best thing.

So, he was quiet and I’m thinking, this is kind of nice, I could get used to it (when will I ever learn). Then he comes over and takes my hands and says, “Look, Mommy. I drawing a picture.”

Yes, my boy, you sure are. All over my floor.

I smile, or attempt to, and say, “Ruadhán, we draw on paper, right?”

Still holding my hand, he turns me around and says, “But I did, Mommy.”

Yes, he did.

That doesn’t negate the fact that he also drew on the floor and we had to come up with a way to clean it up. Water? Nope. Toothpaste? Not so much. Baking Soda? Yep, but then I turned my back for 5 second to work on another section of floor.

Yes, he dumped it.

And proceeded to make baking soda angels.

In the end, we got it all cleaned up. We managed to do so while staying calm and I learned that you never, ever let a two and a half year old out of your sight. We’ll also be spending lots and lots of time outside with chalk and let the rain do the work!

Goal Planning Monday – Week 77

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

I’m sorry I was a bit late today. That happens in the summer time when you don’t schedule your posts. It was lovely and cool this morning so we decided to help my husband with some deliveries and the go visit the local farm. I’m back now and I hope that you’ll join me this week as we work to acheive our goals.

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week’s goals:

1. Exercise 3 times. NOT DONE! I’m very much over feeling blah. Just standing up has left me winded at some points this week.

2. Keep sugar intake low. NOT DONE! Pecan pie, need I say more?

3. Use the internet a little less. DONE! I did use it less but not a little as I was hoping for.

4. Blog three times. Partially Done. Unfortunately, I cannot link to my posts right now but I posted twice and not three times.

5. Comment on everyone that links up here. NOT DONE! I’m sorry.

6. Work on Egypt lapbook with Morgaine and Liam. DONE. Not a lot of it but at least some.

7. Bring ILL books back to the library. DONE.

8. Try to remain patient while waiting for test results as I continue to feel ill and I one can freak oneself out by reading on the internet. DONE.  I didn’t call the office and I didn’t remain freaked out all week. The secretary called this morning and the results have arrived but the doctor needs to go over them. No call today, so I take that as a good sign.

9. Work on my Vintage Remedies course. Not done. I didn’t even open the book.

This week’s goals

1. Clean the microwave (yep, should be done when it gets dirty but I don’t use it anymore and other’s do).

2. Complete the unit exam for the current unit in my Vintage Remedies course.

3. Continue to work on the nutrition database I was making on my iPod.

4. Use my camera a little every, single day (that means I have to pull it out this evening).

5. Go to bed when I am tired. Yes, even when Mike wants me to stay up to watch something on Netflix with him.

6. Use the computer and iPod less. I’ve been zoning out. I feel very stressed and tired and I get on my gadget to get away. I want to read or use my camera instead as that makes me feel better while the electronics make me feel like I am wasting life and generally make me grouchy. 

7. Try to get one new person (or someone that used to do GPM) to join us.

8. Promote my blog’s facebook page. Gee, it seems like I have a lot of computer stuff on here for someone that doesn’t want to use the computer!

9. Spend time outside. Everyday. In the sun and the rain.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week! I’m going to ask you to please put your link in the comments for now and I’ll add them to the linky when I get it up. For some reason when I go to add in the linky, WordPress is deleting a good chunk of my post. There are things I’ve written 3 or 4 times already and I really just want to go have a shower. If the linky is posted then you are more than welcome to post just there but this is for those of you that want to get your post up sooner.

The linky is now up. I’ll add the people that commented already.

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A New Passion

Well, the passion certainly isn’t new but the ability to truly follow it hasn’t presented itself until this past week. I believe it was Wednesday when Mike passed me a bag from Staples where he’d gone to buy computer paper. Thinking nothing of it, I put it by my feet in the car and continued on our way. A few minute later, Mike asks, “Did I buy the right paper?”

I look at him and say, “I’m sure you did.”

We get out at another store and when we get back in, he asks, “Are you sure we got everything we need at Staples?”

“Yes, I’m sure you must have gotten everything.” I reply.

“Come on, could you just look in the bag?”

So I do, and there it is, the camera I’ve been dreaming about for four long years. It isn’t top of the line anymore. There have been a dozen newer models since but it there, in my car, is  THE DSLR camera of my dreams and I am over the moon! I get home and stick in on a shelf because I am terrified to take it out of the box. I look at it a couple times. I gingerly take the instruction manual out of the top of the box. Finally, at 11pm I brave pulling it out of the box. And, oh, isn’t is lovely. It’s everything I could have asked for. I think I am in heaven. I take a couple shots and they turn out just like I imagine they would. It’s unbelievable. It’s amazing. And it is so much FUN!

I won’t post too many photos here tonight, but you can be sure that I’ll be back with many more (there’s nothing like GOOD pictures to inspire a blogger….yes, I know what I said in my intro, but I guess I was lying….I’ll still be real and unscripted, though!)

I love photos where sun and shadows fall across the face but I haven’t figured out how to get them inside where the flash is too harsh and drowns out the sunlight so we had to take it outside.

Flowers, obviously. With the macro setting and paper to diffuse the bright light.

Shooting with a zoom lens but the children weren’t doing anything too interesting.


 Tricky subjects, I must say.

I’ve set up a couple goals for myself and I’ve gotten a few books from the library so you’ll be seeing more of me fooling around with my new little gadget. I’d love to know what you think and hear any feedback you might have because I am very eager to learn and I am sure that there is so much more I could do.

Gluten Free Coconut Apricot Squares in a Pie Pan

Over the last little while I have been researching gluten and  the effects it can have both on the gut and mind. Both Liam and I have some “issues” in both of these areas and others and are looking into seeing if we might be intolerant to gluten.  Liam’s pediatrician noticed several markers that make him think that Liam may indeed have celiac disease (I don’t think that we’ll get that diagnosis but you never know….it would help explain some of the various medical needs that he had when he was very young). While we are waiting for results, I’ve been playing around in the kitchen with various gluten free flours. I really, really wanted to love coconut flour but I tried a few recipes (my own creations not with a recipe) without a whole lot of success. I liked them well enough but my children could not stand the texture. Desperate for help (yet not wanting to turn to a recipe) I took to the internet and asked some friends in the know and they said, “Eggs. Lots of eggs. And, let it sit.” So with that in mind, here’s my newest creation.

Note: you want to make this 24-48 hours before you plan to eat it. Also, if you don’t like the crust for some reason, add an egg. It cuts down on the not “real” flour texture!


2 cups of dried apricots.
6 cups of water

1 1/2 cups coconut flour (if you don’t like the texture of the coconut flour I am sure you could cut our some and add a different type but perhaps you’d need to cut out an egg)
3 (extra) large eggs
1/2 cup of butter (I don’t measure)
1/2 of sweetener of choice (I use whatever I happen to have out…this time it was Sucanat)
1 tsp of vanilla
1 1/2 tsp of baking soda

coconut and brown sugar for sprinkling

1. Soak apricots in water over night 8-12 hours so that they plump up nicely.

2. Tranfer to saucepan and simmer until you get a jam like consistency. I the proceeded to mash up the apricots with a fork. you could puree it in a blender. I like having a few bigger pieces. You’ll actually want this to be a little wet when you use it so you may have to add a little water (I sat mine in the fridge for a couple days before I used in and then I just stirred in some extra water). Set aside while you do the next section.

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

4. Combine butter (softened) and sugar until light and fluffy.

5. Add eggs one at a time and then add vanilla.

6. Combine coconut (and other) flours with baking soda.

7. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients. Mix well. You are going for a slightly sticky cookie dough texture here. You may need to add more flour or a little water (or an egg). I don’t measure and  I certainly am not an expert when it comes to coconut flour!

8. Pat cookie mixture into a greased cake/pie pan (or 8 x 8 square pan).

9. Pour apricot mixture into pan and sprinkle with coconut (and brown sugar/sucanat/turninado sugar if you like).

10. Bake for 20 minutes (approximately….guess what? I don’t time either….perhaps use this recipe at your own risk!)

11. Cool in refrigerator for 12-24 hours (but really, the longer the better).

My husband was thinking it would be really good to flambe the top so you are more than welcome to do that (it is your desert after all). We chose to eat it as breakfast and so can you (it isn’t so very sweet and the apricots are packed with healthy goodness). I hope you’ll enjoy it. If you do try it I would LOVE to hear how it turned out (even if it was awful) and any changes you made. I’m all new to this and I’m learning so let me know what you think and perhaps you can teach me a thing or two!


Goal Planning Monday – Week 76

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week’s goals:

1. Make a list of house rules and chores and post them in the appropriate rooms. Partially Done. We did this for some rooms but we still need a few more reminders in place.

2. Exercise 3 times a week (excluding walking unless it is at a quick pace without children). Partially Done. But then I started to swell up again and did not exercise on the weekend to finish up my goal. 

3. Take the children for blood work. DONE. You can read about it here.

4. Continue to cut down on refined sugar. So that means I need to have less than last week. DONE. No pop whatsoever. No desserts (except a wee bit of ice cream).

5. Cut down on gluten. Not done. I decided not to so that I would get the most accurate result on my endoscope. They actually moved that up by nearly 3 months and it was done last Thursday. Waiting on the results now.

6. Send in the children’s registration. DONE!

7. Send in Mike’s information for Medicare at the same time. DONE!

8. Send a package for a friend while I am at it DONE!

9. Blog three times. Not done.

This week’s goals

1. Exercise 3 times.

2. Keep sugar intake low.

3. Use the internet a little less.

4. But blog three times (especially the apricot dessert recipe as I am now getting people calling for it).

5. Comment on everyone that links up here.

6. Work on Egypt lapbook with Morgaine and Liam.

7. Bring ILL books back to the library.

8. Try to remain patient while waiting for test results as I continue to feel ill and I one can freak oneself out by reading on the internet.

9. Work on my Vintage Remedies course. I slowed down a lot as I won’t be able to order the next for quite some time but it would still be good to get it done.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week! Linky Tools seemed to work well so we’ll stick with that.

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Hospital Adventures

Last winter/spring the whole family went through a period of one sickness after another. This ended with bringing my son to urgent care (isn’t he cute? <——) in April and him being diagnosed with pneumonia. On top of that, severak of his blood count levels/vitamin stores were off so further testing was warranted. Finally, last week, we met Mr. Awesome Doctor who decided that he was going to run a whole panel of tests on both older children. No big deal, a little bit of blood work, right? Well, nothing is ever terribly simple with children!

Wednesday we decided that Mike would take the next day off and we’d bring the kids into the “city” for their blood work (as our local hospital accidentally cancelled their blood work in the spring after me dragging my feverish/sick kids to the hospital to get it done). 3:30 on Wednesday I get a call from my doctor’s office. They’ve moved up an upper gastric endoscope I’d scheduled for September to the next day at 1:30.  “Great,” I think, “Mike has the day off, I’ll get all the hospital stuff done in one shot and we’ll be good.”

So the whole family started fasting after supper on Wednesday in preparation for our various tests the next day. The idea was that we’d get up early and get the kids to the hospital ASAP and then we’d come home and relax before having to go to my appointment. Well, we were out the door at 7:30, a pretty good start. As we were about to pull out of the drive, a contractor pulled in and then Mike, wanting to kill another bird while we were in town, decided that he should get all the paperwork ready for the agency in town helping us get a grant for home repairs . No problem, shouldn’t take more than a minute. Well, near 45 minutes later and he hasn’t returned to the car. Everyone is whining and saying, “Daddy always takes soooooooooooo long.” Finally, everything is in order and off we go again.

We make it to the hospital by 9:00. It is important to note that by this point in the day, my early risers are normally on breakfast number two for the day. We decide that Morgaine will go first as she is quite apprehensive and we figure she should just get it over with. Well, then I see that they are going to be attempting to get ten or eleven vials of blood from her and I know Morgaine’s blood just does not flow on good day let alone after she’s been fasting for twelve hours. This could be tricky. Her eyes are squeezed tight, she shakes, they prick her, the blood starts flowing  soooooooo sloooooooooooooooooowly. 1 vial, 2 vials, 3 and she goes white as a sheet. We push for the 4th but have to stop. She’s not going to make it. Feet up, basin under her chin, wet wash cloths. Liam is bouncing off the walls and freaking out because he doesn’t like it when people are going to be sick. I tell him to sit quiet. The nurses tell me it is fine. He’s just a kid.  I struggle to keep him from bounding into someone else while reassuring Morgaine that she is going to be just fine. The nurse tells her that she did wonderfully and they’ll get the rest when she comes back in two hours…..


“We have to come back in two hours?”

“Yes, for the glucose test they have to come back two hours after they eat.”

Great. I look at the clock. If we leave now, we can feed the kids something from a grocery store, hang out in town, take them back and still have time  to head off to my endoscope.

BUT there’s still blood to get from Liam. He does swimming well with the 10 vials of blood and then he engages the nurse in conversation as I’m watching the minutes tick by and and saying, “we really do have to go if we want to be able to make it back in two hours because I have a test at the other hospital at 1:30 that I cannot reschedule,” They continue on chatting and then I’m told Liam needs a finger prick to test blood gases and that’s a whole procedure in and of itself. To top it off, Liam doesn’t handle the finger prick well and he turns green. It’s Morgaine’s turn to bounce off the walls and ask questions while Mum deals with the second nearly ill child.

Finally we leave the collections center at 10:00 and I proceed to argue with Mike about coming back in two hours for more blood work. I think if we feed them a sandwich from the corner store right away we’ll be able to get them back to the hospital, get the collection done, and get me to my hospital in time. He thinks it is not humanly possible. He drives around town looking for something to feed them and settles on Wendy’s. I fume because I want them to eat something they’d normally eat and fast food for breakfast is not something we do. Then I fume some more because it smells good and I’m hungry. Morgaine nibbles and picks at her food. The two hour countdown start after the last bite of food. Nibble, nibble, nibble. It’s nearing 11 o’clock, we’ll never make it. We head for home. Mike will have to take the kids for their blood work and he isn’t thrilled. He is squeamish and doesn’t  think he can handle it. He says he’ll feel sick, too. I tell him he’ll be fine and there are toys for the little one to play with so he’ll only have to deal with the older kids. He’s like, “I’ll have the baby?”

“Yes, honey, I’ll be too busy with a tube down my throat to look after him.”

At home I madly clean the kitchen as I expect to be a little out of it when I get home from my procedure and I need the house to be in order. Mike runs in another direction to get a little work done and shortly it is back in the car everyone. I grab a book expecting a long wait at the hospital as I will be dropped off over an hour early in order for Mike to get the kids back to the hospital in time for their blood work.

I decide to go right to admitting as I figure that might get me an area to wait that’s not in emergency,  and much to my surprise they are ready for me immediately. No time for me to freak out about being sedated. Off to day surgery, I’m whisked. No hello, how are you, but here’s your gown and put on those slippers. Then a nurse comes in and says, “you know, you can do it without sedation, right? The don’t tell you this, but we can have you out in 20 minutes.”

No sedation, that is great. I rock natural childbirth. I can do a tube down the throat. How hard could it be? There’s time to call my husband and tell him to wait for me before he takes the kids to their appointment, but I don’t, partially because I expect to be held up somewhere, and partially because I expect to freak out and ask for the sedation, and besides, it would be nice to relax and read and not have to take the kids for their blood work.

Whisked into the OR where my GI specialist doesn’t even say hello. When I ask him about sedation because I’m breastfeeding an older child that could be help off from nursing for a substantial amount of time if need be, he barks at me to do it without sedation. So much for informed consent. Thank GOD for good nurses. They were encouraging and sweet. I joke around horribly with them because I am nervous, and they are nice, and I know seriously lacking in bedside manner, cannot look up from his laptop doctor is about to ram a tube into my small intestine. The time comes and there’s not a word from him except “Don’t move!” and off he goes. I think I am dying, I try to grab the tube and darling doula like nurse tells me to hold her hand and breathe. It’s not like having a baby…its worse. It’s okay when I close my eyes but I can’t stop looking. Then I start to heave and lovely nurse talks me down again. Doctor gets what he needs and then is heading back out. Pure relief. But wait, he sees something he wants to biopsy. The don’t have another biopsy doohicky on hand. Agh, I again think I might die and tell them that seriously can’t do this….hmm,  but that is something I do remember from birth. I close my eyes and pray just as little as tears well up in my eyes. Then it’s done….DONE.

They keep me waiting around for just a while to make sure my heart rate comes down (it sure does crazy things when you think you are going to die). Then I am set free. I am starving, positively starving, but they insist I cannot eat for two to three hours because I might asphyxiate/aspirated on my food. Lovely, starve the breastfeeding lady for 16 hours and then tell her she can’t eat for another 2 or 3. I call Mike because I’m relieved to be done and alive and he says that he hasn’t gotten the kids to the hospital yet as he were to the housing department. He’s going to come back to get me. Wonderful. I try to read but I can’t focus. It takes 20 minutes for Mike to get back to me. Looking at the clock, I see it has been nearly 3 hours since the children’s last bite. I doubt they’ll do the bloodwork but off we go anyways. Mike informs me that he has to see someone while I take the kids for the blood test and it is agreed that I will take the baby with me as his meeting is important and will be quicker if he doesn’t have the baby touching things. I’m exhausted. Morgaine is positively freaked out at the thought of them taking more blood. The baby is hungry and I’m beginning to get a headache.

At the hospital the lab techs talk back and forth and perhaps have sympathy on the poor frazzled Mum and decide that they’ll do the blood test even though they shouldn’t. We lay Morgaine on the bed where she proceeds to have a total meltdown. We turn on the TV and she freaks out more. We silently agree that I’ll likely have to hold her down and I hold her arm and kiss her forehead down and in they go. She shakes and cries and then Toopy and Binoo comes on, and it’s about music, and she goes limp. The blood flows and she is happy. The finger prick doesn’t phase her a bit. Liam’s blood work is completed while I’m tending to Morgaine and I find him chatting away happily with his nurse (who I think he might have has a little crush on). The baby happily puts away his toys. Morgaine happily jumps off the bed. We did it.

We’re out the door….she turns pale and back in we go. Finally, her colour comes back and we are free and head for the doors. It is raining and Mike is not there. We are tired. I cannot find change. I’m so, so tired. I trek three kids through the hospital killing time not knowing where Mike will meet us. I finally find a quarter and give him a call. He is 10  minutes away. My head aches. I feel rather ill. We wait.

On the way home, I insist that I need to eat. Mike stops at the grocery store and says, “I’m going to get you a yogurt drink. Do you want real food, too?”

“Yes, real food would be good.”I reply, dreaming of a nice deli wrap sandwich.

He comes back with Yop and little sweet cakes. I’m revolted. I cannot drink the yogurt so I pass some back in a cup to the baby. Mike asks me why I don’t just give him the bottle and I tell him that it would really suck if the baby decides he’s had enough and proceeds to drop the bottle onto the floor. The baby asks for more so I take his cup and when I am passing it back to him I drop on the floor and yogurt spills everywhere. I mop it up while standing in the rain and cannot help laughing hysterically.

We make it home in one piece where I proceed to eat a banana that upsets my stomach. My neuralgia is flaring up and I cannot do it. The day has just been too much. I’m ill, I ache, and I’m sure I’m going to be sick. I long to go to bed. Mike cooks for me and I cannot stomach the meal. I breathe through doing the dishes and half putting the kids to bed. I will be sick but it won’t happen, there’s not a thing there. It sucks. I medicate and crawl into bed. Mike knows he must keep the baby. I sleep. I get up. I medicate. I nurse the baby (and yes, the gravol knocked him out, too). We all sleep ’til 3am (a miracle that likely won’t be repeated anytime soon). I wake up and feel human. I eat. I nurse. I sleep.

I wake up. The fog has cleared and I can say we survived it…..

….however, next time I might just take that sedation because seriously, I deserve a break!