Goal Planning Monday – Week 77

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

I’m sorry I was a bit late today. That happens in the summer time when you don’t schedule your posts. It was lovely and cool this morning so we decided to help my husband with some deliveries and the go visit the local farm. I’m back now and I hope that you’ll join me this week as we work to acheive our goals.

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week’s goals:

1. Exercise 3 times. NOT DONE! I’m very much over feeling blah. Just standing up has left me winded at some points this week.

2. Keep sugar intake low. NOT DONE! Pecan pie, need I say more?

3. Use the internet a little less. DONE! I did use it less but not a little as I was hoping for.

4. Blog three times. Partially Done. Unfortunately, I cannot link to my posts right now but I posted twice and not three times.

5. Comment on everyone that links up here. NOT DONE! I’m sorry.

6. Work on Egypt lapbook with Morgaine and Liam. DONE. Not a lot of it but at least some.

7. Bring ILL books back to the library. DONE.

8. Try to remain patient while waiting for test results as I continue to feel ill and I one can freak oneself out by reading on the internet. DONE.  I didn’t call the office and I didn’t remain freaked out all week. The secretary called this morning and the results have arrived but the doctor needs to go over them. No call today, so I take that as a good sign.

9. Work on my Vintage Remedies course. Not done. I didn’t even open the book.

This week’s goals

1. Clean the microwave (yep, should be done when it gets dirty but I don’t use it anymore and other’s do).

2. Complete the unit exam for the current unit in my Vintage Remedies course.

3. Continue to work on the nutrition database I was making on my iPod.

4. Use my camera a little every, single day (that means I have to pull it out this evening).

5. Go to bed when I am tired. Yes, even when Mike wants me to stay up to watch something on Netflix with him.

6. Use the computer and iPod less. I’ve been zoning out. I feel very stressed and tired and I get on my gadget to get away. I want to read or use my camera instead as that makes me feel better while the electronics make me feel like I am wasting life and generally make me grouchy. 

7. Try to get one new person (or someone that used to do GPM) to join us.

8. Promote my blog’s facebook page. Gee, it seems like I have a lot of computer stuff on here for someone that doesn’t want to use the computer!

9. Spend time outside. Everyday. In the sun and the rain.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week! I’m going to ask you to please put your link in the comments for now and I’ll add them to the linky when I get it up. For some reason when I go to add in the linky, WordPress is deleting a good chunk of my post. There are things I’ve written 3 or 4 times already and I really just want to go have a shower. If the linky is posted then you are more than welcome to post just there but this is for those of you that want to get your post up sooner.

The linky is now up. I’ll add the people that commented already.

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3 thoughts on “Goal Planning Monday – Week 77

  1. I thought it was just me- the whole computers make me grouchy thing (along with the feeling that I’m wasting my life away in front of it).
    I hope to see lots of photos from that nifty camera you got! That’d be such a spectacular surprise (the camera, I mean- I’m sure I’ll see some photos *wink*).
    And here’s my link: http://www.nlfamily.net/2012/07/goal-planning-monday-71612.html
    Have a great week and hope you get a lot done on your list (and that’s not on your list- I think we should have add-ins at the end of the week; if we did something that wasn’t on the list but didn’t do something that was on the list, it balances out lol).
    Well, I’d better get to bed- it’s after 1 am here…ugh.

  2. I am back to actually comment on your goals. I didn’t have time the other day. Looks like you had a pretty good week last week considering you didn’t feel well. Hope you are feeling great this week and getting a lot accomplished. I need to use my camera more often. I have gotten to really know my camera in the past year and can take really good pictures with it most of the time. We just don’t have any money and so have not been going anywhere. I don’t think to take photos of the regular daily stuff because I get to complacent or busy with life. Thanks for the reminder to get my camera out and use it.

    An North Laurel… I like the idea of add-ins. When I used to write my to-do’s only on paper I would always add in things that I did, but didn’t think to put on my list, after I had done them. Just so I could check them off. I like seeing those check off items. I may just start doing that!

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