Goal Planning Monday – Week 78

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

IIf you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week people mentioned how they might like to add in other jobs that they got accomplished during the week when they are updating how they did during the week. I think it is a wonderful idea as I often think, “Well, I didn’t accomplish this goal but I did x instead.” Now you can let us know if you want!

Last week’s goals:

1. Clean the microwave. Not Done. I put a bowl of lemon water in there to steam yesterday and then I got distracted doing a big clean up of the three bedrooms upstairs. Bad News? I completely forgot the microwave. Good news? Our bedrooms look really good.

2. Complete the unit exam for the current unit in my Vintage Remedies course. Not Done.

3. Continue to work on the nutrition database I was making on my iPod. Not Done.

4. Use my camera a little every, single day (that means I have to pull it out this evening). Partially Done. I used it pretty much every day except for one. A lot of it was just to take simple pictures needed for (non existent) blog posts but I did pull it out to actually try different techniques about four times.

5. Go to bed when I am tired. Not Done. Or at least not done enough to say it counts. I did go to bed early twice but there were many night when I needed to go to bed earlier and I did not listen to my body.

6. Use the computer and iPod less. Not Done.

7. Try to get one new person (or someone that used to do GPM) to join us. Partially Done. I posted to a few new places, but no one new joined us.

8. Promote my blog’s facebook page. DONE! I had a few new likes. Thank you!

9. Spend time outside. DONE! We had a beautiful week and I took advantage of it.

This week’s goals:

As I had a pretty bad week goal wise last week most of these will be repeats.

1. Clean the microwave. Like, start and don’t forget!

2. Go to bed when I need to.

3. Work on my vintage remedies course (both the database I’m working on and the unit I’m doing).

4. Work with the children on their Egypt lapbook. They have a little friend visit from out of town and they’ve been playing a lot with him but we should get a little bit of work done.

5. Purchase grade 6 Math Mammoth for Liam and print/bind the first section. He told me a couple years ago when he was doing grade 2 Math Mammoth that he was going to homeschool until he was done the whole program. He’s been doing two grades a year. Maria Miller better start making new grade levels as it currently only goes to grade 8. *lol*.

6. Comment on everyone that posts here.

7. Clean out my closet. Didn’t I just do that recently? We just played musical bedrooms over the weekend and I switched us back to the master bedroom (where my son was) so I need to take back my closet.

8. Make up several desserts to throw in the freezer. We have fresh fruit/berries growing and I usually freeze those as the are but this year I think I am going to premake them into goodies.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week!

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2 thoughts on “Goal Planning Monday – Week 78

  1. LOL at your story about how you cleaned the microwave/bedrooms. That sounds like me. How cool that your son is doing two grades a year of Math Mammoth – impressive!

    Have a great week!

  2. Great that you got your bedroom done. I need to clean some more of mine, it is a mess. I had a goal of getting off my computer between 9 and 9:30 but with the Olympics on that is going out the window for 2 weeks. It only comes around once every 2 years. Once every 4 for Summer Olympics.

    I hope you have had a prosperous week so far and that you have a great rest of the weekend. See you on Monday when we update our goals again.

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