Goal Planning Monday – Week 67

Well, welcome to Goal Planning Monday in it’s new home! I’ll work on getting you all a new button and banner soon but I can’t promise you when. For now, I’d love for you to direct people here if you can.

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Last week’s goals:

1. Work in the yard and get through at least one large pile of branches. Partially done! Didn’t help that it was rainy on the weekend.

2. Steam mop the kitchen. Not done. Did a whole lot of baking with the kids this week and didn’t quite get around to the mopping. Will likely be done this morning.

3. Go through the kids’ clothing and maybe list some of the really good stuff for sale. DONE!

4. Find a pattern to make with the wool I should be receiving early this week. DONE! Not what I expected because I was send very much the wrong colour wool (the other is coming soon). I made the best of it and started a skirt for Morgaine, though. The most boring pattern ever but that’s alright.

5. Put some toys in storage. DONE! More could still go, though. My kids really don’t play a lot. Morgaine draws and crafts and Liam reads and write. Who needs toys?

6. Nag (no, loving request) that Mike fix up the banners/button for this meme. NOT DONE. We actually got into a bit of a “discussion” this weekend and I didn’t feel like asking for help.

This week’s goals:

1. Look into some resources for Liam.

2. Follow up with the doctor about getting a pediatrician for the kids. She called us last week to tell us she send our info on but the pediatrician has not called us.

3. Take Liam for his x-ray to follow up on his pneumonia.

4. Knit another skein worth of Morgaine’s skirt. I did one skein over the weekend but I worked quite a lot on it. I hope to finish another over the week so that I can maybe finish the skirt over next weekend.

5. Try out a few recipes for our (potential) table at the market.

6. Enroll in the food handlers course at the end of the month.

7. Sort my closet.

8. Write at least two blog posts.

9. Write an article (or two) for Homeschool Horizons.

What are your plans for the week?

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