Goal Planning Monday – Week 65

Well, welcome to Goal Planning Monday in it’s new home! I’ll work on getting you all a new button and banner soon but I can’t promise you when. For now, I’d love for you to direct people here if you can.

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

1. Continue fooling around with ProCreate, a drawing app Mike downloaded for iPad. Done! I’m not terribly good at it but it was fun.

2. Make a post about how we’ve been eating over the past little while. Not done.

3. Write a post about the kids. Not done. Can’t quite seem to get into writing.

4. Finish raking the yard. Done (but not done). We had an arborist come the day after I finished and cut down two huge trees. I have enough yard work to keep me busy for weeks now.

5. Plan out our garden a little bit. Done. Herbs, zuchini, strawberries, spinach, swiss chard, and Mike wants a patch of potatoes.

This week’s goals

1. Blog more. I’m doing the whole take pictures and plan posts thing again but not taking to time to write anything of value.

2. Work in the yard on the days that it is sunny. There won’t be many of those days this week, it seems.

3. Try to get the baby to bed before 9pm every evening. This will actually give me time to write.

4. Write an e-mail I’ve been putting off. Not that it will make any difference now because I put it off so long but maybe it will change something for another family.

5. Try out a new recipe that came to me last night. It will be so, so good (I think).

6. Organize to do some kind of weekly update on what’s been going on at our house for the blog. That way, if I don’t actually write big posts then my pictures and ideas will still end up somewhere. I had every intention of doing that this week but didn’t.

What are your plans for the week?

4 thoughts on “Goal Planning Monday – Week 65

  1. 3 done… that is good. You’ve gotta count the yard as done… even if you have to put it on your goal list again! It also looks like you have a lot of good goals for this week also. We have been trying to get our teens in bed earlier… we, the parents, are tired and the kids want to stay up late and talk, and talk, and talk. Why won’t they talk to each other at an earlier time in the day. Well, I hope you get some sun… I hope we get some too… so you can work outside. Have a Great Week!

    • Yes, sometimes our younger kids do the same thing. Usually, they don’t take that long to fall to sleep, but they have this tendency to come down to go to the washroom or get some water at right about the same time as the baby is dosing off and that has the tendency to wake him.

      The sun is trying to break through this morning but I have a feeling the rain will win out. It’s supposed to be nice on Thursday but I think the yard will be to wet to work in. I hope you get some sun.

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