Goal Planning Monday – Week 89

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines before you join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

I don’t think we have any Canadian participants right now but if there are, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I was thrilled to see someone new link up last week. Thank you and I look forward to keeping in touch and seeing what you get accomplished each week! Keep on sharing so that we can have more and more support to get our things accomplished!

Last week’s goal:

1. Get my kitchen back in tiptop shape. DONE! However, I did the whole Thanksgiving meal yesterday and I think I used every pan in the house so there is some more work to be done today!

2. Take a peak at the Epicure Selections website and start planning out where I want to go with that. DONE! I’m excited about it. I hope to do more sponsoring than sales, I think, but we shall see where it all leads. My starting kit arrived early last week and I am thrilled with the products I received.

3. Take an exam for Vintage Remedies. Not done. May be say this is something that doesn’t get completed. I don’t know. I have very much lost the motivation for it. It was not quite as I expected it to be.

4. Donate some stuff. DONE! Only one garbage bag last week but I am still working on it. 

5. Eat snacks. Partially done. Not a whole lot of motivation here either. Lots of broths and things like that.

6. Drink water. DONE! Mostly in the form of broth.

7. Walk into town at least 3 times this week. Not done. I only walked into town once this week (I think….may have been twice now that I think of it, but cannot recall for sure).

8. Comment on everyone’s blog who signs up this week. Not done. I need to make this a top priority this week.

9. Finish reading my book. Not done. I’ve decided that Robin Cook no longer appeals to me. I wasn’t motivated to read in the hospital because everything got a little messed up with my testing and I ended up not getting the test done the way they were ordered (good thing, in one sense, but in the other, the didn’t get the quality of images that they were going for). I did choose a new book between appointments and I hope to get that one done this week!

This week’s goals:

1. Comment on everyone’s post who links up here.

2. Keep on snacking.

3. Stay firm with cutting back on the night nursing.

4. Book one Epicure party.

5. Decide whether to keep this blog going or migrate everything back to MamaManuscripts. This blog wasn’t used as I hoped it would be and I had more of a following over on my other one. There were things I didn’t like about the self hosted site so I have to go see if the updates I made last week fixed them or not.
What are your goals this week. I hope that you will link up!

3 thoughts on “Goal Planning Monday – Week 89

  1. Keep on snacking! I hope you begin to feel better soon and am still praying for wisdom for the Dr.’s. I too will follow you, just like a puppy, no matter what blog you choose.

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