Goal Planning Monday – Week 73

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

Sorry, I’m a little bit late this week. It has been crazy hectic here and I’ve been a bit under the weather with my neuralgia. I’m here now, though!

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines and join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

Well, I didn’t do so well with my goals this week but still managed to accomplish a whole lot. We’ve been trying for the last three months to get a grant for some major repairs on our home and it is right down to the wire now. We have to get a mortgage on our home (which would help in a million ways) but our house has to have a market value of 75 000. Umm, not sure about that. I think I mentioned somewhere that we paid 20 000 for it, right? Well, it is certainly worth more that that but 75 000, yeah, not sure. Well, we’ve been trying to make it look at good as possible as we cannot to any major repairs….Looks can be deceiving, right. There’s lots of goodness about the place but without the updates (which they initially told us that they’d count when appraising the place), I’m not sure…..so yeah, crafty goals were displaced by house stuff.

Last week’s goals:

This week’s goals:

1. Finish painting exterior trim. Mostly done.

2. Finish painting interior trim. Mostly done.

3. Add moldings to the entrance and laundry room we tiled on the weekend. DONE!

4. Put new door knobs on door. DONE!

5. Buy a couple interior plants. Not done.

6. Patch hole in bedroom wall (it’s been there since we moved in…..if nothing else, this crazy mortgage thing is making us take care of things we just haven’t got around to doing.) DONE!

7. Paint above mentioned bedroom. DONE!

We did decently well we our home renovations. We decided to add more moldings to certain doorways/floors and I’ve done as much as I can do inside. The evaluator is coming this Wednesday so we’ll continue fixing up all we can until then.

A few more personal goals as I want to keep up with my stuff, too:

8. Make Not Done (9. and blog about, if it turns out Not Done) an apricot coconut desert that sounds good in my head. We didn’t have time to go to the bulk barn to buy dried apricots and I wasn’t paying 7 dollars for a small bunch at the grocery store.

10. Complete the next unit of my Wellness course. DONE! 100% Goodbye micronutrients and on to bread!


This week’s goals:

1. Renew my Mister Linky or look into Linky Tools. My membership is about to expire.

2. Write up the children’s end of year evaluations.

3. Do the next unit on bread in my Vintage Remedies course.

I’m thinking around 9:30. I need a few hours of sleep before the kids all night nursing marathon begins.

5. Comment on everyone that links here. If I do nothing else, I want to do this.

6. Promote Goal Planning Monday in a few places.

7. Write a little more frequently on my blog. There are so many things that I want to write about but I never seem to make time to do it.

Be sure to stop in and let us know what your plans are for this week!

3 thoughts on “Goal Planning Monday – Week 73

  1. I can sympathize at least a little with all the house-related stuff. We are trying to refinance and there’s always one more thing to look after. Looks like you did get those important things done! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Good job on all of the home improvement projects. We’re getting ready to move, and thankfully we don’t think there’ll be much to do/fix before we leave.

    I tried something different and posted photo updates for some of my accomplishments this week. Thanks for hosting this meme so that I can keep myself accountable (and have a place to brag about my clean counters).

  3. Ugh! I was posting/linking too late last night. That must be why I’ve set a “go to bed earlier” goal. 🙂 Anyway, I posted the wrong link the first time I signed the linky. My second attempt should go to my blog.

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