Goal Planning Monday – Week 94

Welcome to Goal Planning Monday!

If you are new here be sure to check out the guidelines before you join in. We would love to have you! If you are returning, I hope you had a good week. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. Be sure to keep sharing with your friends as we all could use some accountability from time to time! I hope to see some new members this week. Keep spreading the word as we could all use some encouragement and support as we go about achieving our goals. If you have a moment get sure to hop over and see what others are doing.

(I hope you like the blue the two year old was helping me out this morning!)

Last week’s goals:

Knit one dish cloth. Not Done. I really could have, though.

Clean out one drawer of paper stuff. DONE! Only because I went to do this and I found that I’d already done it a couple weeks prior!

Have Morgaine read one book each day. DONE!

Finish TOS Curiosity Files with Liam. Partially done. We are making good progress. I didn’t realize how long some of the activities take. The studies are pretty complete and we are working on it as a side project.

Get up when the children wake up every morning. DONE!

Get back to menu planning in such a way that we are not wasting food. Partially done. I made good use of our food but I didn’t actually menu plan.

This week’s goals are all about getting back to blogging. It has been much too long.

1. Finish the blog post I have started about Morgaine’s reading.

2. Promote Goal Planning Monday in a few places (facebook/twitter).

3. Comment on everyone that links up on this linky.

4. Join in at least one other meme this week.

5. Write one other blog post.

What are your goals for the week? Be sure to check in and let us know as we all could use some encouragement from time to time!

3 thoughts on “Goal Planning Monday – Week 94

  1. Looks like you did really well last week. I too thought it funny that you accomplished one of your goals by going to the drawer and finding you had already done it and forgotten.. that is something I would do… but at least that was one goal easily accomplished.

    My blog has also been neglected and most weeks I have only been doing your meme and my own. I want to do more… I have just been lazy and some times I think my life is boring and no one will care what I have to say. I am trying to do more but I have not added more blog goals to my goal list. I really want to get the books out of my bedroom and that is my priority for this week. After that I hope to do more with my blog as well. I even bought an e-book with blogging ideas and have not used any of them yet.

    I hope you have a wonderful, prosperous week. I hope we get some new participants, or old ones that used to participate. God Bless.

  2. I would so totally be counting finding something already done! When you figure out how you pulled that off, share, will you? Or send that elf to my house!

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